Nature Walk: Beegder Sagenroute

Startlocatie - Beegder Sagenroute
6099 NC

Walking/hiking routes

Length: 3.2 km. This short but varied route leads through the forests of the Beegderheide to Beegden and through the Maas valley back to the starting point.

This short but varied route leads through the forests of the Beegderheide to Beegden and through the Maas valley back to the starting point.

The route starts and ends at the car park along the road between Horn and Beegden (Beegderveld). The walk goes via junctions. Underground: paved and unpaved roads.

The Beegderheide nowadays consists of extensive woods but used to be an extensive heathland. The route leads along an old sand excavation and over old drifting dunes. Along the route, the Stichting Werkgroep Heemkunde Beegden has placed a number of information boards about sagas and legends and the history of this area. The stories about the sagas are written in Beegden's dialect and in Dutch. This route is very suitable for walking with children. Along the route there are several benches.

The route is available at the lokal tourist offices. And for sale in the webshop.

Route: <5 km.
Numbered junction network route
Route from A to A


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

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