MERU Forest Park
The Forest Park is part of the MERU complex (Maharishi European Research University), Station 24, Vlodrop. The Forest Park was once created at the time when the former Franciscan College Sint Ludwig was still there. Since 1984, MERU has been located there. And founder of it: the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, also lived there from 1990, and since then it has also been home to the world headquarters of the movement for Transcendental Meditation and Vedic knowledge, with millions of followers. Maharishi died in 2008.
Meditations at MERU
At MERU, people from around the world attend meditations and trainings. Behind the 192 flags flying, you can see the gold-colored, wooden palace. Walking around here is like being in another world. In the Forest Park is a beautiful pond over which lies the little bridge on which the pavilion stands. Around the pond and in the park it is full of beautiful rhododendron bushes. Especially in early spring is a real splendor when the they are in bloom.
The Forest Park is freely accessible. Through the small path on the right side of the parking lot at the reception (near the barrier) you walk to the spiritual Forest Park.
Places of Happiness
Discover the 26 Places of Happiness in the municipality of Roerdalen. These places, designated by the inhabitants of Roerdalen as hidden pearls of happiness, are waiting for your discovery. Of these places, six have been specially designated as Children's Happiness Spots. You will find all the Places of Happiness in the centres of Herkenbosch, Vlodrop, Montfort, Posterholt, Sint Odiliënberg and Melick, as well as in the beautiful countryside. Go to the website of Klein geluk Roerdalen to explore these special places and see the full list.